The local availability of advanced therapies, including the availability of traditional ones, is an essential part of the sustainable and advanced society of the future we want to build. Balanced professional education, respect and consideration for others, quality prevention, emergency medicine, long-term health care for people of all ages, ensuring that the basic rights and freedoms of patients are respected both inside and outside health care facilities, healthy food, good quality drinking water, clean air, or an otherwise non-toxic environment, are all basic living conditions that must be carefully observed and demanded by all people.
Every human individual in existence, regardless of gender, age, nationality, religion or educational attainment, has the same rights to have their basic biological needs met (sleep, water, bodily integrity, food intake, etc.). The means of providing food, housing, warmth, clothing, hygiene, etc. are already quite accessible and familiar in the modern age (today), and therefore the demands of citizens for the provision of basic and higher needs (education, security, self-fulfilment, belonging) cannot be ignored, denied or conditioned.
We are responsible for the environment we live in, for our planet, for the conditions for our children's future lives. We are not overlooking the consequences of the disharmonious actions of humans to date. It is a necessary lesson not to repeat the same mistakes, or to implement everything in deep harmony with the protection of the environment and wildlife. We are part of an action that is conscious, considerate and sustainable. The regeneration of large natural areas is therefore an important priority for us.
The basis for a sustainable society
Solidarity is a vital way of behaving for the whole of society. Its fruits, and burdens, should be shared across global society. It is like an invisible but beautiful silver thread that runs through all activities and without which the world would sooner or later cease to function as an advanced civilisation. Our non-profit work and integrated global solidarity network, supports the stability and prosperity of global society and all those involved. The main nodes of this network are existing and new urban areas. These nodes are complementary and cannot exist without each other. The backbone of this network is the diversification, global interdependence and non-profit structure of the main organization. These aspects allow us to be generous in places where this has not been possible before.
The Society ensures that products and services are available to all stakeholders without discrimination. The Society is the supreme economic unit, responsible for abundance and equity in the use of the resources that are the community's own.
The essence of society is the community, which consists of individuals, families and institutions. The life of the community consists of daily care for oneself, others, living space and various forms of education. Everyone can also engage in business and community service activities. The prerequisite for a varied and rich life is self-initiative aimed at an active and creative community life. Mutual respect and tolerance of differences are a matter of course.
A sense of acceptance and security is a basic natural need of all people without distinction. Ensuring the protection of personal integrity, rights, and non-violence are fundamental moral values that shape a healthy and sustainable living space for all, wherever we are involved in the collaboration and implementation of our projects. An immediate end to any open conflict or violence is in the interest of all living beings. It is everyone's responsibility to be part of an initiative that protects victims, seeks peace, suppresses violence and separates warring parties.